
Hope for Hostages

On October 7, 2023, over 240 innocent civilians were taken into the Gaza Strip by Hamas after a brutal attack on Israel resulting in the deaths, injuries, and sexual assaults of thousands of people, including children and elderly, women and men. Help us raise awareness for these victims and their families by sharing their stories and photos. We will not rest until they are all home.

This website provides information about the hostages, including their names, ages, nationality, photos, and current status. It also provides stats, allows filtering by various criteria, and generates printable posters and images for online sharing daily.

🎗️ https://hopeforhostages.com


The following are some of the ways you can contribute:

🚀 Bug Reports and Feature Suggestions

Open an issue in this repository or send an email if you have suggestions on features to implement or bugs to report.

✏️ Translations and Editing

Assistance is appreciated for the following tasks:

Please fill out this form and I will get back to you with ways you can help.

🧑‍💻 Code

The code is in a private GitHub repository. The bulk of the website is written in PHP, with automation scripts written in Python, and the assets are generated with Puppeteer in JavaScript. Please fill out the contribution form and specify what you are interested in helping with and I will get back to you.